
Sebastian MARINO

(Exeter University)

19 September 2024, 11:30, Aula Jappelli 

Unveiling the structure of exoKuiper belts with ALMA

Over the last 10 years, ALMA observations have transformed our understanding of exoKuiper belts. On one hand, dust continuum observations have constrained the morphology of belts revealing a great diversity in terms of belt radii, widths, and scale heights. On the other hand, CO observations have also shown that exoKuiper belts often contain gas whose origin and implications are still highly uncertain. Most of this progress, however, has been made through low-resolution observations that have prevented us from testing models and theories. This barrier is breaking as the ALMA large program ARKS is characterising 18 exoKuiper belts to understand their detailed radial and vertical structures as well as constraining the distribution and kinematics of gas. In this seminar, I will give an overview of the main advancements over the last 5 years and will summarise the preliminary findings of ARKS.


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Next scheduled seminars:

September 26th - Marina Orio (INAF/OAPD)

October 31st - Andrea Pallottini (Scuola Normale Superiore - Pisa) 

November 11th - Mario Pasquato (INAF IASF-Milano)

and many more! 

HIGH-PROFILE Colloquia: 

October 15th - Georges MEYNET (University of Geneve) 

December 12th - Thomas BENSBY (University of Lunds) 

January 16th - Adriano FONTANA (INAF) 

February 13th - Claudia CICONE (University of Oslo) 

March 13th - Sara ELLISON (University of Victoria) 


February 6th - Samuele NEGRO (Neurobiologia - UNIPD

March 27th - Giacomo de Angelis (INFN) 

Seminar Task Force: Elisabetta Rigliaco (elisabetta.rigliaco@inaf.itJoel Beccarelli ( Barbato ( Carolo (elena.carolo@inaf.itPaolo Cassata( Columba ( Giunchi ( Ignesti ( Antonino Marasco ( Tusberti ( Zanella (